
If I had a day that I could give you
I’d give to you a day just like today

— lyrics from “Sunshine On My Shoulder” by John Denver

I have a personal Springtime tradition that on the very first day it hits 70 degrees Fahrenheit and is sunny after March 1st of every year, I blast John Denver’s Sunshine On My Shoulder on my car or home stereo depending on where I am.  I sing along (another reason to blast it) and just soak up the warmth of Sun upon my skin after a long winter of being hidden underneath layers of clothing.  The air is filled with the smells of renewal as trees and flowers emerge and the birds sing their songs of love.  Sunsets reappear over Lake Ontario from the shores near Oswego, New York.  The lake which brought us snow and cold for months now treats us to golden hues of beauty and warmth. Today is the day for 2010. (Okay, technically yesterday was but Fridays are much more fun.)

I don’t want to scare anyone off with my singing so I will let John Denver do so through the technological magic of youTube.  RIP, JD.

If I had a wish that I could wish for you
I’d make a wish for sunshine all the while


Click Here to get Within the Frame by David duChemin.

Within the Frame by David duChemin

Where’s the Book Review for March?

I know some of you might have been expecting a book review today.  Don’t worry if you didn’t. Because of the Mite Hockey Tournament a couple of weeks ago, I didn’t get to read this highly acclaimed book by David duChemin entitled, Within the Frame: A Journey in Photographic Vision.

I will double up later this year to meet my goal of 12 photography books.  Meanwhile, you can either read along with me this month or wait for my review.

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17 Responses to Sunshine

  1. karma says:

    Looking forward to some beautiful weather in the 70’s here as well! I don’t have to work today either, which makes it even better. Have a great weekend.


  2. giiid says:

    This is an exelent idea, to have a tradition of your own, singing a happy welcome to spring. I can imagine how glad it makes you to see the temperature rise, and get ready to sing. Thank you for posting the video with John Denver singing this evergreen. It brighten up at 50 F day too.


  3. Gerry says:

    Why, thank you – apparently you did have a day to give, because we received it, right on schedule, today. The dogs are sunning themselves in the playpen on the deck, and I am wandering about in a daze. Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy, too.


  4. milkayphoto says:

    We hit 70 a few Saturday’s back but we were so knee-deep in cleaning up the yard from the two Nor’easters that we almost didn’t notice. Might hit 70 on Sunday for us – not sure if the coastal breezes will keep our side of the state cooler. I can just imagine you doing this – to the chagrin or dismay of your daughters, I’m sure! Nice tradition – I love JD songs…always makes me happy. 🙂 Happy Easter!


  5. montucky says:

    I love that sunset!


  6. Nye says:

    It has been real nice here in the past week or so, and JD song is definitely a welcoming of Spring.


  7. Mike Criss says:

    How about Sunshine on my mountain. Caught this sunset last week.


  8. yesbuts says:

    I didn’t have to view the video, I can still remember vividly watch the John Denver show on TV, must have been in the early 60’s.

    Still waiting in the UK for “that special day” when with a smile on your face you can, with confidence, think winter is finally over.

    Its been a very long long winter. 😦


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