Gratuitous Picture of Yourself Wednesday or GPOYW.  I get email updates from Photojojo and a couple of weeks ago they sent out an update about GPOYW.  Hey, I enjoy a challenge so I created a little set for myself which included an Apple MacBook Pro as a light source for my face.  The subject…what a digital photographer looks like after hours of processing photos.  I am sure many of you can relate. 🙂

GPOYW: Self-Portrait of a Digital Photographer

GPOYW: Self-Portrait of a Digital Photographer

Besides the screen light, I used a Nikon SB-600 Speedlight flash for just a slight pop to give some overhead fill.

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23 Responses to GPOYW

  1. milkayphoto says:

    Looking very “Joe McNally-ish” here Scott! Trust me, no one wants to see me after hours in front of the PC…NO ONE! 🙂


  2. giiid says:

    Relate? Absolutely! Your photo looks fun, with this light effect, but we all know how risky it can be to get too close (and disturb) any “screen-hidden” person with this look in his/hers eyes…


  3. Gerry says:

    Oh, handsome photo indeed, Scott. Nice pallor! I can relate. I’ve been spending way too much time in virtual dust, tracking the Civil War vets who have so obsessed me. (Certain friends have pointed out that these people are, after all, dead. Ha.) Ancient photos are beginning to come my way, and I long for high-end software. It’s instructive to study these things. So many are the same tired old line-’em-up-and-shoot-’em-down, or studio portraits in borrowed finery . . . then one pops out. A face so vital its power reaches across a century and a half and grabs you by the shoulders.


  4. imac says:

    Very good.
    I know the feeling


  5. kanniduba says:

    10 bucks says you’re wearing a Disney sweatshirt in this photo! 🙂


  6. montucky says:

    The portrait is an excellent fit with the subject!


  7. These types of self-portraits are my favorites. Great job, Scott… and looks like a Disney hoodie to me! 😉


  8. Anna Surface says:

    Oh wow this is a great capture! What a self-portrait certainly giving a message of computer strain! Oh yes, I can relate. 🙂


  9. Mike Criss says:

    I can totally relate. Had to buy a separate computer so I could have exclusive rights to the one running Lightroom and Photoshop.


  10. Nye says:

    Scott, perfect lighting from the computer, I like the dark background, you also look like a writer. 🙂


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